Saturday, March 12, 2005

Email #12

Dear Mrs Parentlink-lady

What a tremendous amount of work in such a short space of time.
I have a couple of questions and one suggestion.

The first section appears to be repeated at the very end of the document. I would guess the empty table at the end is a format, for the teachers' use? This wasnt immediately clear to me, but then I am not used to these forms. In that case, to save them having to reproduce a blank, could it be on a new page, reoriented to landscape, to allow for bigger boxes and typeface?

The same element appears to suggest that a breakdown in the tabular format is only required of the level of help given at year four, not at year five. Thats great if the school are going to say they feel he needs that level of attention anyway and would be giving to him if the funds existed, unless that can safely be assumed.

I strongly suspect that the teacher's idea of the amount of help currently being demanded at year five disagrees with the amount listed on the senco's notes - as I say, I believe the senco took the form at absolute face value and listed only what was specifically requested on there, rather than the the total disruption caused / 1:1 attention required, current or projected.

I defer to you to interpret Ms caseworker-manager's suggestions and decide whether year five support needs to be re-assessed, but I thought that was what she meant. That said, the rest of the assessment papers were based on the child's behaviour within the framework of support provided at year 4, so redefining that alone would seem fair.

SUGGESTION: Lewis had to change classes early in year three, his behaviour up to that point was increasingly unacceptable and they changed his group as a 'new start' to coincide with the introduction of his teaching assistant, who was then with him for the rest of year three and all of year four. Splitting year three into two rows on the behaviour assessment section might be best; it should show up a sharp change on behaviours and a crucial turning point.

Please dont be too hard on the school if they havent gone for the outside help that you mention. The Deputy Head at the time went to a lot of training herself, introduced a lot of SEN awareness training into the school and ultimately left to become Head of a special needs school - they had their 'outside help' built in. She was the person who found Lewis his assistant, her own daughter, so communication was more than excellent there. The school was trying to get Lewis statemented before the last school year ended, to stop them having to reduce Z's hours, so any thoughts of further support have been put on hold this year, with the statementing process still at hand.

Hope that all makes sense!

Thank you



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